Revival Health Podiatry Clinic
At Springfield Central & Macgregor
At Revival Health Podiatry, we provide the highest quality of care to your feet. Our Podiatrist is highly skilled and qualified to provide a wide range of services, ranging from routine and preventative foot care, to complex foot pain and High Risk Podiatry.

Revival Health Podiatry Clinic
Aveo Springfield, Building 3/2 Symphony Wy, Springfield Central, 4300
Ph: (07) 3190 1757
Revival Health Physiotherapy & Allied Health Clinic
Our Services
Custom Orthoses
General Nail and Skin Care
Paediatric Podiatry
Diabetic Foot Assessment
Callouses and Corns
Dry Needling
Ingrown Toenail Management & Surgery
Wart Treatment
Shockwave Therapy
Custom Orthoses
Custom orthoses are specialised shoes inserts that are prescribed by a qualified podiatrist to support, improve, and align foot functions. They can provide additional support, alleviate and redistribute unwanted pressure, alter the biomechanics of your gait and many more.
Custom orthoses can be incredibly valuable and helpful as part of a treatment plan for many conditions. However, it
is essential to consult with a qualified Podiatrist for a comprehensive assessment to determine the most suitable
treatment for your specific condition and needs.
Plantar Fasciopathy
Flat Fleet
High Arched Feet
Overuse Injuries
Chronic tendinopathies
Shin Splints
Callouses and Corns

Diabetic Foot Assessment
Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disorder that could lead to serious and irreversible damage to your organs. It can reduce the blood supply and damage the nerves in your feet, causing subsequent foot problems.
The two main assessments a Podiatrist will examine are:
​Vascular Assessment: To determine the circulation of your feet
If your feet are not getting adequate blood flow, you may experience some of the following symptoms:
o Sharp cramps in your calves after walking
o Pain at rest
o Delayed healing
o Cold feet
o Extremely pale lower limb
​Neurological Assessment: To ensure feet sensation is protected
If nerve damage occurs, you may experience some of the following symptoms:
o Numbness in feet
o Pins and needles in feet
o Burning sensation in the legs and feet
The Diabetic Foot Assessment will also include:
Dermatological Assessment
Footwear Assessment
Diabetic Foot Health Education
General Foot and Nail Care
Based on the results of your assessments, your Podiatrist will then determine your risk status of developing a diabetic foot ulcer. Your diabetic foot risk can be classified as:
Very Low Risk
Low Risk
Moderate Risk
High Risk
At Risk: current ulceration

Ingrown Toenails Management & Surgery
Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful and frustrating. They occur when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, often causing an infection.
We do not recommend treating ingrown toenails yourself at home due to the risk of infection. Our skilled Podiatrist is able to remove the offending nail piece that is embedded into the flesh with minimal discomfort. In most cases, local anaesthetic administration is not necessary. However, we can administer it if the ingrown toenail is too painful to remove or upon request.
Common causes of ingrown toenails include:
Incorrect nail trimming
Tight footwear
Trauma or injury
Abnormal nail shape
Ingrown toenail surgery can be considered if you are seeking permanent relief or solution. Most people who suffer from chronic ingrown toenails would be eligible candidates. Our Podiatrist will carry out an assessment prior to performing the surgery for recommendations and advise.
The two primary types of ingrown toenail surgery we perform are:
Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA)
PNA is the most common procedure we perform for ingrown toenails. It involves removing a small part of the nail edge that has ingrown to the skin. A chemical called Phenol is then applied to destroy the nail root, preventing the ingrown nail from returning. The process takes approximately one hour, and is performed under local anaesthetic so it will be painless to you.
Total Nail Avulsion (TNA)
TNA involves removing the entire toenail. This option is usually selected or recommended for people who are also unhappy with the look of their toenail. It is commonly performed on toenails that are fungus, thickened, or hypertrophied.
While not all ingrown toenails require nail surgery, it is often the most long-term solution to reduce the chances of any further nail issues or complications.

General Nail and Skin Care
Your feet can suffer from various skin and nail disorders, and Podiatrists are qualified to provide treatment and preventative measures for a wide range of conditions.
Maintaining your feet health can become difficult due to mobility or arthritis issues, or due to diabetes complications. Our highly skilled Podiatrist can provide routine general nail and skin care so that you do not have to do it yourself. We use sterile instruments that are free from cross infection and contamination to attend to your feet. ​
Callouses and Corns
Callouses are areas of thickened skin that are under excessive amount of pressure and friction. It is our body’s mechanism of protecting itself from damaging the underlying structures. If left untreated, the callous can begin to build up, crack, and become painful.
On the other hand, a corn is a concentrated lesion that can grow deeper into the skin. It is formed when the excessive pressure is very localised in an area, often causing a lot of grief.
Podiatrists can easily treat and remove the callous and corns by debriding the excess hardened skin, which is generally pain free. We do not recommend treating your own callouses or corns with over-the-counter products or self-attempt to cut away the unwanted skin, as you may likely injure yourself or damage the underlying healthy tissues.

Wart Treatment
Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that infect the skin by embedding themselves into the skin. They are often contracted by an injury to exposed skin in public areas such as swimming pools. Warts are highly contagious and are often very difficult to get rid of.
Plantar warts on the bottom on the feet can often be more painful, as they are located on the weight-bearing surface. Our Podiatrist can help bring the wart to the surface by using a combination of acids, deflective paddings and regular debridement. The treatment period varies from person to person.
Paediatric Podiatry
Children’s feet are mostly made up of cartilage and will fully develop into bones until the age of 18. As children’s feet are soft and malleable, the risk of damage is increased. Any problems are best detected early to prevent more serious foot complications later in life.
Common problems in children’s feet include:
Flat Feet
Toe Walking
In-Toeing or Out-Toeing Gait
Heel Pain (Sever’s Disease)
Knee Pain (Osgood Schlatter Disease)
Ingrown Toenails
Our Podiatrist treat and assess children at all ages. Early intervention and regular check-ups are crucial to monitor the development of children’s feet and address any potential issues promptly.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling focuses on the reduction of pain and restoration of function through the release of myofascial trigger points in muscles. It is sterile technique that is used to treat tight knots in a muscle, which are commonly found in tight, sore and weak muscles.
Dry Needling can be used by itself or as an adjunct therapy to treat any musculoskeletal condition. It could be a highly effective treatment in managing painful symptoms, as well as work in conjunction with other primary treatments including custom orthotics therapy, strengthening and stretching exercises and Shockwave therapy.
Our skilled Podiatrist has completed further study of Western Acupuncture & Dry Needling course, and is fully qualified to perform the procedure. However, we recommend discussing and alerting our Podiatrist if you have the following medical history:
Allergy to metal
Heart valve conditions
Immunocompromised or auto-immune system illnesses
Organ transplant
Bleeding disorders
Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive and effective solution to chronic injuries or musculoskeletal pain. It uses radial pressure waves to the painful area to initiate a healing response, as Shockwave causes micro-trauma to the small capillaries that supply the tendons and bones. As the body attempts to repair these capillaries, it increases the blood supply to the area by stimulating new blood vessel growth.
Shockwave therapy can be used for a wide range of conditions across different professions, but for Podiatrists, we focus on:
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendinopathy
Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splint)
Painful trigger points around feet and ankles
Musculoskeletal disorders of feet and ankles
It is important to note the following contraindications for Shockwave therapy:
Clotting disorder
After cortisone therapy to the area (minimum 6 weeks wait)
Risk of haemorrhage
Malignant tumours
Arterial disease, circulatory insufficiency
Deep vein thrombosis